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Q: What is an eBook?
A: An eBook is a book in digital format. It's an electronic file.

Q: Why eBook?

  • INSTANT DELIVERY : Download from the Internet and get your book straight away. You don't have to wait several days for delivery.
  • CARRY YOUR BOOKSHELF IN YOUR POCKET: You can store dozens of books on your PDA, iPhone, mobile phone, or other devices and always have your favorite books with you.
  • CHEAPER : Save between 50% or more on the print price; with electronic books, the costs of printing, transportation, distribution are cut.
  • SAVE THE WORLD: eBooks are eco-friendly. Read paperless book saves more trees.
Q: How can I read an eBook?
A: If you download a PDF format, it's easy. You only need a computer, laptop, PDA, iPhone, mobile phones, or any other reader devices and enjoy reading. However, Mobipocket porket is also reccommended. It provides more functions such as bookmarks, highlighting, note taking, ect. You will be asked to download an additional program to read Mobipocket format. For more information about Mobipocket:

Q: Which eBook format is better?
A: It depends on the devices you are using. For more information: http://www.readingebooks.com/ebookhardware.html

Q: Where can I find eBooks by Heaven Lake Press?
A: Our eBooks are now on 3 websites: www.mobipocket.com, www.scribd.com, and www.cyberread.com.

Q: How can I buy an eBook?
A: You may need a Palpay account or a credit card to buy an eBook.

Q: Which titles are available as eBooks?
A: The full list of HLP eBooks is available here.

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