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Title: Waiting for the Lady
Author: Christopher G. Moore
ISBN: 974-92186-1-2
Published: 2004
Format: Trade Paperback, 319 pages
Price: Baht495 / USD11.16

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Sloan Wolcott, an American expat in Bangkok, a part-time art dealer and smuggler and a full-time rogue, comes into possession of a camera belonging to a Japanese newspaper reporter killed in a suspicious car crash. Inside the camera, he finds several images of the Lady, Aung San Suu Kyi, one of her riding in an automobile with a bullet hole in the rear window and one lone picture of a mysterious, seductive young woman with a singular tattoo.



Compelling story lines . . . that come together in a gripping climax.

Ambitious and sadly beautiful book.
—January Magazine

Amusing and illuminating . . . a narrative whose authenticity is never in doubt, where global historical realities are seamlessly knit together with a strong, unpretentious yarn.
—Books in Canada

In addition to creating a convincing, entertaining narrator, Sloan, and a story that engages the past and its images on several levels, Moore crafts a tragic Myanmar landscape, mixing in-depth knowledge of the place and its history with a compelling tale populated with characters anyone would be glad to have as travel companions.
—Asia Times (Online)

A charged atmosphere reminiscent of Peter Weir’s The Year of Living Dangerously.
—Vancouver Sun

“The powerful sentiments stirred in [Waiting for the Lady] affirm that Asia still boasts places where people's emotions are not swaddled in cotton.”
—The Japan Times

Moore’s knowledge of the region and his ability to convey it is best about Waiting for the Lady.
—Bernard Trink, Bangkok Post

Christopher G. Moore is an author who can conjure up a plausible story to keep you reading his books till the last page. Waiting for the Lady is no exception to this. A great read.
—Reid Lang, Pattaya Mail

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